An employee Value Proposition is a set of benefits provided to an employee in a company. It
varies from employee to employee. It may be unique or may not be. But every employee
deserves some sort of proposition. Some companies give it to deserved ones and some don’t.
But EVP is the mandatory thing to assign to an employee. You can assume about a company
based on their EVP and decide whether to join or not. A great EVP is which makes an employee feel happy. It should be satisfying and it should not be less than deserved. EVP decides many factors, not only about a particular employee but also about a company's recognition. If it's less company’s efforts may go in vain. Employees start resigning and there will be huge losses to the company. So a company should definitely recognize employees’ efforts and give them a deserved EVP. Most of the employees right now are facing this issue and recession, layoffs are a spoon of sugar added to the coffee. It costs a major effect on a company. The company runs on mouth-talk of the public outside it. They should handle it with care. Employees won’t attend interviews if there is talk regarding EVP because that is what an employee expects from the company in return. Once a company decides on its EVP it should start publicizing its company through various routes such as social media, websites, blogs, links, and many more alternatives.
Employees must concentrate on their skills mainly. They should be confident in what they know so that they can demand or negotiate accordingly.

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